Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shaolin Day 2

For our second day of the vacation, we took a bus to the Shaolin temple which was about an hour and a half away from Luoyang.  We totally got suckered into some lame tour bus group and ended up spending way too much money on the bus there and the tickets to get in but such is life.  The temple area itself was nice and is the place that kung fu is said to have originated.  Lesson learned: tour groups are no bueno.

I felt this picture sums up China well- cigarettes and chicken bones
A disgusting "bathroom" I used during a bus stop.  I think i can easily say this was the worse squatter I have used in Asia thus far. I chose to spare you all from taking a picture of the actual toilet itself, you can thank me later.
These ladies were performers.  As I was walking onto the bus, one of them grabbed my calf which was weird but I guess American bare legs are an unusual sight.
Creepy performance that we watched and wished we hadn't
A buddhist temple that we stopped at on our way to the actual Shaolin temple
Me, Danielle and Abby at the kung fu performance

The kung fu show.  It was pretty entertaining although definitely not worth the money we spent to see it.
Kung fu groupies
We're dorks
Practicing our kung fu skills
The kung fu dudes playing basketball.  This country is obsessed!
An amusing statue at the temple
an actual monk
I just liked the old guys' beard and socks
I couldn't resist taking this picture....
Pagoda Forest
Yay for pagodas!

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