Sunday, February 22, 2009

Laundry Day

Just thought I'd share a few pictures of the washing machine we are fortunate enough to have at our disposal.  There will be no handwashing for me/ giving my clothes to the village women to wash in what was probably the Ganga river (like we did in india)
The washing machines. Please note the faucet/hose at the top in which we fill the basin
Who needs a lid?
The spinner - we do not have a dryer but this thing takes the clothes from being dripping wet to merely damp. Amazing!


  1. Enjoyed your blog. Seems like a fabulous adventure.

  2. I had a washer very similar to this one when I was in Russia - I inherited it from a volunteer who was leaving. It was such a luxury to have after having washed in the tub for a year!
